STEM: What is it, and Why is it Important?

Jan 12, 2024

“STEM” has become such a buzz word in recent years, but it can still be a little confusing for some parents. What exactly is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is important because it pervades every aspect of our lives: science is in everything around us; technology is constantly growing and expanding into every area of our lives; engineering encompasses not only building and innovating, but also ways to keep the earth sustainable; and mathematics is in every occupation and aspect of our lives. Studies have shown that STEM-related jobs (jobs within these fields) have increased at 24% in recent years! 

So, what does this look like in practice? Here at KCS, students are given opportunities to learn in hands-on ways. In 2nd grade, for example, students were tasked to build the tallest standing tower only using toothpicks and styrofoam packing peanuts. They were encouraged to start with a firm foundation, but were given free reign to explore, build, experiment, learn from their mistakes, and work as a team. These kinds of skills are invaluable as they continue to grow. In Middle School, the students’ end-of-the-year project was to build a water bottle rocket. They were required to engineer a bottle rocket design; mathematically determine how far they needed their rocket to go using the appropriate equations and formulas; test out their rockets and make adjustments to their design; and then market their product to be “sold” to the public. This project taught them not only how to build, test, and modify their rockets, but it also taught them some real-world skills about marketing. 

These are just some of the STEM-related projects that our KCS students work on throughout the school year. As teachers, we understand the value that STEM education gives to our students, and are always seeking ways to incorporate it into our curriculum. 

There are ways to incorporate STEM learning at home, as well! STEM learning doesn’t need to be as complicated as doing science projects; it can be as simple as playing with toys! When you’re playing, ask questions of your child: “What can we build with these Legos?” “If I drop these two different items, which do you think will hit the ground first?” “How can we organize these different toys into groups?” “How can I help you with your work, and how can you help me?”

Another way to incorporate STEM at home is by taking more walks. As you are outside, talk about what you are observing around you. Not only can you help your child develop an interest in the nature around you, you are also teaching them to ask questions and to observe what is going on around them. You may be surprised at the things they pick up on.

Reading still remains one of the best ways for children to learn, and reading STEM-related books can help them be exposed to even more science topics and opportunities. There are even some for toddlers that teach some basics of coding! It’s never too early to start exposing your children to science and things around them. Some good books to check out include: 

  • All About Weather: A First Weather Book for Kids by Huda Harajli (2-5 year olds)
  • Just Like Rube Goldberg by Sarah Aronson (3-8 year olds)
  • Emma Ren: Robot Engineer by (8-12 year olds)
  • Everyday STEM Technology: Machines by Jenny Jacoby (9-12 year olds)

These are just some of the ways you can help your child develop critical thinking skills and a love for learning and innovating. What more could a parent ask for? If you have more questions about STEM, or are looking for more opportunities to incorporate these activities into your home, our KCS Computer teacher, Mrs. Salguero, specializes in STEM activities!

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